Tuesday, May 4, 2010


- Organic Chemistry is the study of the carbon atom and its compounds.

- carbon compounds outnumber all other compounds combined.....
> carbon can form many different bonds
> the can have different arrangements
> can form long chains of carbon atoms

HydroCarbon Hierarchy - click here for a more in depth look

There are 3 types of chemical formulas
1) Molecular - eg C3H8
2) condensed structural - eg
3) structural

One molecular formula can represent several different compounds. These are called isomers
EG Alkanes

1. circle the largest carbon chain. name the chain with the appropriate prefix ane ending

2. locate any side chains by numbering the carbon chain. use lowest possible #s

3. name the side chain with appropriate prefix and yl ending

4. if there are more than one of the same alkyl side chain add the multiplier in front of the branch name


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