Monday, December 14, 2009

Intro to Chemical Reactions

well firstly we went over our test from last class before we started our new unit today which is unit four- types of chemical reactions

we looked at some eqamples of when acids and bases neutralize each other

we talked about some supporting evidence that shows us when a chemical reaction has taken place:
  • change in colour
  • change in smell
  • percipitate is formed

remember that changes in state do not always mean chemical reaction has occured, although it may seem like it ( think ice to water to water vapour)

we also saw a demonstration from mr. doktor about magnesium and how when it burns, it gives of a lot of radiant light and thats why its used in fireworks. this video clip uses a lot more magnesium than what we used in class but you get the idea :P

thats pretty much all we did today!

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