k so last class we started learning about molecular polarity and intermolecular bonds, but we didn't get the chance to get to hydrogen bonds so thats what we talked about the most today
H-N, H-O, H-F
now just to recap all the the types of bonding forces:
one example we went through was putting some molecules in order of the strongest bond to the weakest bond. the ones we used were:
1. C2H5OH: 26 electrons and a bp of 78 degrees Celsius
2. CH3OH: 18 elestrons with a bp of 65 degrees Celsius
3. C2H6: 18 elesctrons with a bp of -89 degrees Celsius
4. CH4: 10 electrons with a bp of -161 degrees Celsius
now that we had finished talking about molecular bonds, we discussed ions in solutions for the rest of class
we went through some concentration examples that go back to our stoichiometry section, so its basically using our old knowledge to kind of figure out new examples. I won't write out the examples bacause they would just be WAY too confusing using blogger. but instead, i have an awesome video! YAY!
it says 20 second but its more like a minute and a half. still, this does a really good job of explaining hydrogen bonding!
thats all for now!